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请general contractor时没有workers' comp insurance。这样子大家觉得可以请吗?

大家好!想问一下,请general contractor的时候,如果他是self-employed(没有employee),有license,也有general liability insurance,但是没有workers' comp insurance。这样子你们觉得可以请吗?如果他或者他请的subcontractors受伤了,我们需要负责吗? 请contractor的时候需要什么paper document?我们现在只有一个estimate,合同是contractor准备吗

可以问 City。

合同 contractor 准备。City 会要求他的文件。像W9之类的不需要

general contractor 下面不一定有 employee,GC subcontract work to subcontractors,Subcontractors may have employees

General contractors have huge liability. You can sue him anytime. Subcontractors can sue him any time. For injury case, they sue each other but won’t be able to sue you.

If you hire him directly you will get into trouble,But if you hire general contractor, his insurance will cover.Due to the fact that he is single member LLC , he doesn’t need worker compensation. His duty is to find subcontractors who have employees and worker Comp


他不一定会干活的,He can sue you but he won’t be able to win

谢谢Betty姐!这样看来那还是可以的。那我去找他要一下proof of insurance。之前有点担心他没有workers comp,因为听到过很多contractor受伤,房东被起诉赔很多钱的故事

引用于 盖楼NO1 在 七月 13, 2020, 7:02 上午

大家好!想问一下,请general contractor的时候,如果他是self-employed(没有employee),有license,也有general liability insurance,但是没有workers' comp insurance。这样子你们觉得可以请吗?如果他或者他请的subcontractors受伤了,我们需要负责吗? 请contractor的时候需要什么paper document?我们现在只有一个estimate,合同是contractor准备吗

The general contractor is responsible for workers comp on subcontractors to make sure they have it .

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